Randolph PoemTown Anthology ordering process 2025

The 2025 anthology of poems is heading to the printers.

The price of the book is $15 per copy. The only way to guarantee you receive a copy is to pre-order one. A small number of extra copies will be printed and available at live PoemTown events.

Books may either be mailed for a flat mailing fee of $5 or picked up at Brainstorm Art Supply in Randolph (26 North Main Street). Books picked up at Brainstorm Art Supply must be pre-paid. Staff at the store will not be handling any payment for books.

You may order by email or by going to the following link – https://forms.gle/LZULPVcmrywhQhHu5. The linked form will prompt you for everything and has instructions for payment.

Email orders should be sent to Jon Kaplan at hockeyat50@gmail.com.

Be sure to indicate:

  1. How many copies you want.
  2. If you want your copies mailed or you will pick them up at Brainstorm Art Supply
  3. If you want them mailed to you, provide a valid mailing address.
  4. All orders (email or using the linked form) must be followed up with payment.
  5. Payment may be made by check or using Venmo. If ordering by email, indicate your payment method.


Note that the $5 mailing fee is the same regardless of the number of copies ordered (e.g. 1 book = $15 + $5, 2 books = $30 + $5, etc.).

  1. Checks must be made out to “RACDC” and include “2025 Poem Town Anthology” in the check memo.
  2. Venmo payments should be sent to Jon Kaplan – Venmo is @Jon-Kaplan-24 and the last 4 of the phone is 6291.

For books to be picked up, they will be available after April 1st at Brainstorm Art Supply.

Please send payments (by check) to:

Jon Kaplan
29 Maple Street
Randolph, VT 05060