The 2025 anthology of poems is heading to the printers.
The price of the book is $15 per copy. The only way to guarantee you receive a copy is to pre-order one. A small number of extra copies will be printed and available at live PoemTown events.
Books may either be mailed for a flat mailing fee of $5 or picked up at Brainstorm Art Supply in Randolph (26 North Main Street). Books picked up at Brainstorm Art Supply must be pre-paid. Staff at the store will not be handling any payment for books.
You may order by email or by going to the following link – The linked form will prompt you for everything and has instructions for payment.
Email orders should be sent to Jon Kaplan at
Be sure to indicate:
- How many copies you want.
- If you want your copies mailed or you will pick them up at Brainstorm Art Supply
- If you want them mailed to you, provide a valid mailing address.
- All orders (email or using the linked form) must be followed up with payment.
- Payment may be made by check or using Venmo. If ordering by email, indicate your payment method.
Note that the $5 mailing fee is the same regardless of the number of copies ordered (e.g. 1 book = $15 + $5, 2 books = $30 + $5, etc.).
- Checks must be made out to “RACDC” and include “2025 Poem Town Anthology” in the check memo.
- Venmo payments should be sent to Jon Kaplan – Venmo is @Jon-Kaplan-24 and the last 4 of the phone is 6291.
For books to be picked up, they will be available after April 1st at Brainstorm Art Supply.
Please send payments (by check) to:
Jon Kaplan
29 Maple Street
Randolph, VT 05060